Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Watchmen!!

So, first of all I am not a sci-fi kinda person!! I mean I do not have that much inclinations for sci-fi movies!! I tried my levels best to watch one on the Television but alas...I just could not!! Imagine on a "TV" I couldn't!! And today I watched "Watchmen" in a movie hall....!! Gosh!! an experience to share indeed!! My true feelings were to get out of the movie hall in the middle of it!! I mean....I just could not stand it!! Some of the scenes were just too good, no doubt against that fact, but I am not the sci-fi type actually....on top of open seminar had been keeping me really tied up so I needed a break urgently and ended up with this kinda sci-fi break!! amazing is it not!!
How we settled upon this movie in also another interesting story...SNP gang just wanted to go for a movie and so they were searching IMDB and found Watchmen with 8/10 along with 70k votes and simply jumped on the conclusion of watching the Watchmen!!
But whatever, it was kinda good since the company was good :D If SNP is there everything becomes so good!! okey that is it for now!! more later on some other stuff...seyao for now!!